Friday 7 June 2013

Quick Jewellery

As Vickie was moving away from London to Twickenham (she has started there her new job with children) there was lots unwanted items to give away. Jewellery was one of them. Do you have any unwanted jewellery that you no longer wear? If yes, this post is for you. That's because here I will share how I have made some simple jewellery by reusing Vickie's beaded accessories! I started by breaking some necklaces down and then just playing around with ribbons and other beads that I had. That was quite fun, which kept me occupied for couple of days.

This necklace was one of the first. I made it by incorporating large beads with ribbon and some elasticated see-trough string.
The other necklace I made after seeing this on Pinterest.
And this is how...

1st row is quite straight forward. Start with the large knot (double, triple if you need to) and then tread trough 8 longish beads.

2nd row is most difficult one as it's not established and you constantly need to keep it tight while working with it. So, start with looping over 1st row three beads back. 
 Then tread two more beads and loop back on the 1st row.

 Repeat this four more times and end the loop on the "start" knot.

 Once the tread have been looped on the "start" knot, needle back trough the last bead to start 3rd row.

3rd row is quite simple: tread one bead then loop trough the 2nd row then repeat the same until the middle of the row.

 At the middle of 3rd row tread 2 beads, loop trough 1st row and then tread back last bead.

From the middle of the 3rd row carry on like in the beginning of 3rd row: tread 1 bead then loop trough the 2nd row and repeat this until the end of the row.

 4th row: tread 2 beads then trough the 3rd row until the end of the row.

 To finish 4th row tread back trough the last bead.
 5th row: tread one bead, then loop trough the 4th row until the middle of the row.
 At the middle of 5th row tread 2 beads, loop trough 3rd row and then tread back last bead.
From the middle of the 5th row carry on like in the beginning of 5th row: tread 1 bead then loop trough the 4th row and repeat this until the end of the row.

 To start 6th row tread back trough the last bead.
 Then tread 1 long bead, 1small bead and 1 long bead again.
 Loop back trough the middle of the 5th row.
 Then tread 1 long bead, 1 small bead and tread back trough last long bead and loop back on the middle of 5th row.
 To finish 6th row tread 1 long bead, 1 small bead and 1 long bead
 Loop back on the 5th row and secure the tread.

 Secure all the lose treads again and cut short. Attach a ribbon or nice rope on both sides of the necklace.

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